Tea Cozie Cottage

Tea Cozie Cottage
Betty @ tea cozie cottage

Monday, 16 July 2012

Tea Time Tuesday & Tea in the Garden

Actually, night time tea, welcome another glorious day -weather is amazing, althought not a lot of work getting done. I work, I sit, I work, I sweat, I work.... I may have all my weeds pulled by the fall, but I am working on it.
I was just checking Sandi's tea and her roses are so pretty, I have about two and don't want to take them off the bushes.
Below is a lotus that I am quite proud of...

The rose and lily garden, I need to name my
girl, maybe Serena after my china. That I should remember

the lily below came from "In the Haystack" a lily
                         garden centre we have a couple of miles away. I believe this one is called
                                                                    Gladys Brown

this is just a normal lily, I don't have many pinks, mostly peach and corals

In the background of the pond you can see my
                                   weather vane-and that isn't what you would call it-a whirligig
                                   It is something that is mesmorizing, going around and around.
                                  It's made out of stainless steel. The birds will ride it like a ferris
wheel going upside down.
this is the whirligig below, not a good angle , but you get the idea.

Ok on to tea
we are having our nightly midnight tea,
                                             using my green striped footstool to hold the tray
                     below the balled feet, I think they are wood and are all hand painted different
Remember MacKenzie-Childs?

this footstool came from? where else but an auction, we sold out the
little gift store, she had 895.00 on it... no idea what I paid but sure wasn't that. It was
                                             probably 15 years ago, love it, it's a little funky
now for the tea, Mr. Tea Cozie did it, all
                                       Original-Tea is Red Rose, never different, same old teapot,
                                    same mugs, and the original napkin, same red tray since 1992
                                                                  and his cookies-original
Today is 34, too hot for a cup of tea, so we are having ice tea and fruit,

so refreshing, one of those days were you don't move too much,
for sure not too fast.

I am joining
Tea Time Tuesday
Tea Cup Tuesday
Tea Cup Tuesday
Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Tea in the Garden
Heart and Home
A Return to Loveliness
Table Top Tuesday
Tea Cup Thursday

maybe someone can tell me or help me, do you have to reenter these names everyweek that you do a blog, must be some way to just copy and paste? So much I can't do yet, I keep trying but nothing


  1. What a great tea post! LOVE your garden! Beautiful!
    Here is what I do with all the parties I join:
    I wrote all the weekly parties i join and added all their links to them in a draft of a post. Then when I do a regular post, I go to the one with all the links to the parties and copy and paste it to the new post. Then I just delete the ones that I will not be linking that post up to. And I keep saving the other post with all the blog parties listed in it.When i decide to join a new weekly party, I just add it to that draft.
    If you have questions, email me!!


  2. Hi Betty, Love your front garden and daylilies, and the pond! Beautiful! I see Debbie's comment above; it's helpful to me too. Have a great week!

  3. Good morning Betty,
    You have a sweet garden. My hubby loves his Red Rose tea and very seldom drinks anything else. Debbie gave you good instructions for saving your parties. Hope it helps. Thank you for stopping by for tea and have a beautiful day.


  4. Love your lilies and lotus! What a lovely garden setting for a tea. Love your Mackenzie-Child's pouffe...wonderful! Thanks for sharing your wonderful garden tea!

  5. Beautiful garden and wonderful tea -- anytime of day!!! Happy Tea Day!

  6. Mr Tea Cozy sets a nice tea!
    Your garden looks lovely! The water lily is just beautiful! You have a gorgeous setting for tea outside.
    I know what you mean about weeds....I can not keep up either : )

  7. How lovely - your garden is so lovely!
