Tea Cozie Cottage

Tea Cozie Cottage
Betty @ tea cozie cottage

Friday, 14 September 2012

Pink Saturday

Well I'm back going to try on my ipad again. Have to have all the kinks out before we get to Ireland and England. Read different blogs and so many are happy that fall is coming   I'm not although love the fall weather, this summer was just glorious. Loved loved it. We went out to our deck every morning and came back inside at dark. This has been my first couple of days that I have had to sit inside. ( I did come in and vacuum,but sometimes I did it late at night).  We didn't want to miss a second of the weather. Also, we have a great wrap around deck...
Well I did a walk around yesterday and took pictures of all my pinks. Sad so sad.

above and below, finished


was a gorgeous white and a pink hue to it now

all the rocks in this area are pink with the odd white

My large pink rock

the walkout to our basement has pink rock in it
thankfully it won't fade away with autumn

another smaller pink rock
that's my walk around with the end of the pink flowers, raining today, so might get a little longer out of them. But feeling like autumn, so that pink charm fades
I am joining Beverly at
Pink saturday


  1. Your pink flowers are so pretty. I hate to see ours fade too, but we are in Texas and have a little bit more time than the northern states when it comes to summer flowers.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  2. Oh, how lovely. Hydrangeas and roses are favorite flowers of mine. I am hoping to be able to work more in my yard next year and its a goal of mine to add more pink flowers (shh! don't tell hubby!)
